FAMILY – The Four Reasons Having More Than Three Kids is Perfectly Cool.
I’m taking a break this week from the nerdy posts. I wanted to write a little bit about what happened to our family last week.
I worked really late just about every day last week and the week before to make up the hours I would be gone from work. It was pretty exhausting and I was burned out by the time I was done.
Why did I do this? I became I’m a dad again.
Giovanni Ignatius Escobar was born around 8:15 am on Dec 18th 2013. He was our tiniest kid to date at 5 pounds 8 ounces. He’s our fifth kid. Our fourth boy.
Yes, we have a lot of kids, but what do you expect? I’m Catholic. Well, at least, this SHOULD be expected from Catholics but sadly, this is not really the case anymore.
Most Catholics just want to have one or two kids and that’s it. It’s because this is what our culture deems “normal.” Three kids is still acceptable, but four is considered crazy and anything beyond that is sheer lunacy.
Don’t we know that the world is over populated and people all over the world are starving because of it?
Well, I don’t see what poor food distribution and the greed that caused it has anything to do with over population. And in many European countries births rates are pretty low so…
Besides the over population problem is mostly an issue in major world cities, there’s plenty of space in towns outside major cities. If everyone would spread out a bit, it wouldn’t be such a problem.
But I’m no expert. All I know is that the moment people find out how many kids I have they freak out. They look at me like some sort of weirdo.
They treat me like I’ve insulted them. They get angry at me or mock me. They say thing like, “You’re the one with the billion kids right? How many kids do you have now 50? Your going to stop now right?”
It starts getting old after hearing stuff like this from EVERYONE. It’s down right hostile.
There’s nothing wrong with having this many kids. So I thought I’d make a list of the reasons why it’s totally cool to have more than three kids:
1. It’s More Difficult to Have One or Two Kids Than it is to Have Four or More.
This might sound odd. It’s especially unintuitive if you’ve only had one kid. One kid is SO much work, how is it possible that having more than three is easier? That’s crazy talk!
Well, actually it’s not. Having kids is like any other job. When you first start out it’s overwhelming and it’s a lot of work. But as you get better at your job, it’s becomes a bit easier. The more you do it, the more acclimated to the work you become. The more of an expert you become.
In other words, it gets easier. On top of the that, you’re not your kid’s only friend. Once there are two or more, suddenly the kids have other playmates. They have plenty more to do, and they often need you less.
As the kids get older, they can even help with the younger kids.
2. Everything Worth Having Requires Work
Funny how we are so willing to work for a bit of money, or work to buy a car, or a house. Even spend time, energy and money to get the career we want, build the business we want, get the skills we want, or the titles, trophies, medals or championships we want. We work on our relationships and our marriage when we truly want them to last.
Anything we value, we are willing to work for. Yet when it comes to having kids, what does it say about us when our reaction to having more than a certain amount is,
“Man, that many kids it is too much work!”
It’s not the kids, it’s our mindset. The work is worth it. The joy you can bring the kids under your care, is worth it. This is work worth doing, we simply don’t value it enough.
3. It Forces You to Be Selfless
Let’s face it. This is the big one. This is really the reason we don’t have more kids. It requires an amount of self giving we are NOT willing to do.
We have to stop thinking simply about what we want and we have to sacrifice some of our more selfish desires for the sake of someone else.
The very idea terrifies us. I get it. But it’s not the end of the world. Getting rid of the selfishness actually brings wisdom. It makes you a more loving and giving person.
We ought not be afraid of becoming better people.
4. Love Doesn’t Diminish, it Spreads
You simply can’t help loving your kids to bits. If you show it, and express it to them, not only do you receive it back ten fold, but it also spreads from you to them, and from them to others.
You are contributing in the process of bringing love into the world.
No matter how much you give, you receive that much more back. The paradox is that if you try to do this artificially, it won’t happen. It has to be genuine selfless love you give.
The good news is that it’s easy to do. There’s nothing like loving your kids and having them love you back. It’s just awesome.
That’s that
So there you have it. This is what I’ve concluded over the years with my kids.
I don’t regret it. I love them to death. And now that they’re old enough to start playing some of my more advanced board games, MAN is it fun to have them around.
Thanks for reading.
Free Books and Learning to Draw
If you’re interested in a FREE art of book, sign up to my newsletter. Not only do you get a free digital book but you get some behind the Simpsons anecdotes.
And if your interested in learning how to draw, especially if you think talent is necessary to learn to draw then I’ve got a something for you:
The Draw Fu Acolyte Bundle. Everything you need to learn to draw in a nice neat package. Click on the link to learn more.
So, the American animation industry only does family movies. I mean that’s pretty much the mainstream animated movie in America is a family movie. Alright, so I decided that I’m going to make my Top Ten Family Movies.
This isn’t exactly what my family itself watches when we have movie nights or family nights.
My kids, they tend to have very varying taste depending on their age. For example, my three-year old son, he likes to watch what he calls “Cheese Gromit,” which is basically Wallace & Gromit, ad nauseam.
Those aren’t exactly theatrical feature movies, which is what I’m going to be talking about today. And I wouldn’t even know where to categorize that, under shorts films? I don’t know. And I’m going to restrict this to only American features.
You can either watch the video or read the transcription below.
I’ve also put trailers for each movie below:
Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, thanks for your support.
My number ten is actually a movie that I don’t own and I have just recently watched, and that is Rise of the Guardians by DreamWorks.
It didn’t do very well at the box office, and I think the reason is because it was a movie for teenagers, marketed towards teenagers about Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. They’re not going to go to this movie because it’s about Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny, okay, it doesn’t make any sense.
When you watch the movie it’s actually not necessarily geared for the little kids. Little kids could like it, but it’s a lot more of a superhero show or a superhero movie than regular family fair that you would expect.
I actually really, really enjoyed it. I watched this movie I was like, this is fantastic. I like the take on the characters. I like the animation. I like the designs. The acting was fantastic.
The sidekicks in it were actually fun to watch and exciting to watch. You actually like watching the sidekicks in this movie. I really appreciated that.
I was really entertained and pleasantly surprised, and very saddened that it didn’t make as much money in the box office. This movie was a reason for so many layoffs at DreamWorks.
I understand why, because the marketing like I said was for teenagers and you were trying to get them to go watch Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny, and it’s just not going to work.
“Hey, want to watch the tooth fairy, 14 year old?” Come on. They’ll say “No.” They’re not going to do that.
So I think it was a great movie with a great premise, yet the marketing, was the wrong characters for the wrong target audience. And I think that was really the reason why it failed. But I really, really enjoyed Rise of the Guardians.
Yeah Lilo and Stitch, you know there’s something about this movie. Out of all the Disney hand drawn movies, I don’t know what it is about this movie. And on top of that the theme is family, “Ohana means family and family means not leaving anyone behind.”
They shove the theme down your throat in a really bad way. That’s just preachy, you know, and annoying and preachy.
But funny and fun and science fiction, It has an alien.
It’s beautiful with watercolor backgrounds, Lilo is really quirky and crazy and fun to watch. And it’s my number nine, I highly recommend it if you guys haven’t watched it with your family.
My number eight is a movie that when I first watched it I’m like,
“Really? This is not funny. This is so not funny. I don’t understand this comedy…Wow this is funny. This is really funny. Oh my gosh, this is so funny! I don’t know what it is about it but I think this is hilarious.”
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, this is a great family movie.
It’s just about a guy that makes it rain food and it’s based on a book.
At first, I really didn’t like it. Like I said, I didn’t get it, I’m like,
“This is really forced. It’s really, really forced.” But no, it grew on me as I watched it and the comedy kind of grew on me. And then I’m like “Why am I fighting this? This is really just a lot of fun.”
The characters move like Muppets which is really fun. They act like Muppets which is even weirder, but there’s something about it that just hit me where I live.
I don’t know what it is. It’s just fun and light-hearted, and it’s fun to watch with my kids, and it makes me laugh. It just makes me laugh. I highly recommend this movie and this is my number 8, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.
My number seven, I don’t own. P was late watching this movie, and that is Wreck-It Ralph.
Wreck-It Ralph is about a videogame bad guy who decides he doesn’t want to be a bad guy anymore and he goes off into the arcade – he’s an arcade videogame bad guy – and goes off to find a way to not be bad and be a hero.
It’s really, really fun and exciting and there’s just a lot of nostalgia. If you’re really into video games you’ll like it. It’s a solid story. It’s very moving.
The moment I saw the trailer I’m like,
“That is going to make so much money, because we’re such video game obsessed people now.” Everybody plays video games now and it just hit the culture right where it lives.
I absolutely knew this was going to be a money maker just by its premise alone. But Rich Moore also managed to knock the story out of the park; great movie, Wreck-It Ralph, my number seven.
My number six, and I’m going to start cheating here, this is the beginning of my cheating. It is the entire Toy Story trilogy.
Toy Story is a fantastic, fantastic trilogy. Every single one of these movies is better than the next. I don’t know how they can possibly manage to do these movies and just make them better and better and better.
I mean, the reason I packed them in and say that the entire series is, my number six, is because if I split them up it would take up most of my list. There’s another series that I’m going to be talking about that would have also taken most of my list.
What can I say? Watch these movies. These are great family movies.
They are great, fantastic, great stories, great characters, they make you laugh too. It’s just oh my gosh! And there’s no singing, nobody has to stop the movie for a song, and it’s still merchandising galore for Disney.
My number five, I like even more than Toy Story:How to Train Your Dragon.
It’s got dragons in it. It’s got dragons in it. It’s cool it’s got dragons in it. The story is actually really, really good.
It’s really fun, about a boy who wants to kill dragons, who want to be a fighter but he’s totally isn’t a fighter and then he ends up befriending the most dangerous type of dragon ever. And it’s got basically barbarians in it, and the designs of the dragons are great.
I like the characters in it, they’re great, and it’s go action in it- a lot of it. And that’s what I really like about it, action.
That’s the kinds of movies that I do like, and I wish there was just more of these genre of movies where it’s family but theypushes it to action adventure.
That’s what I like, and this hits me right where I live, How to Train Your Dragon is my number five.
My number three is another Pixar movie, and that is Monsters, Inc.
Now maybe it shouldn’t be so high on the list because Toy Story might be much better, but I don’t know anybody who’s had a little girl who doesn’t think that the little girl in this movie is not their little girl.
You identify with her and that to me speaks a little bit more as far as family goes than to Toy Story, because you’ve got this little girl who really does feel like your daughter.
That’s just personally, where I’m coming from, and that’s why it’s higher than Toy Story.
If you have kids, you know that they’re obsessed and scared of monsters in the dark. This is like kind of almost like,
“Hey it’s okay they’re not so bad,” So this is a really great family movie, my number three is Monsters, Inc.
This movie is going to be number one in a lot of different lists. I’m going to tell you this right now. The Incredibles.
The Incredibles, it is a family movie about a family of superheroes and it’s awesome, and it’s one of the few movies out there that Pixar has done that actually deserves a sequel. But it’s all up to Brad Bird.
Brad Bird needs to decide what the next movie is going to be about. But this movie is the awesome.
You have to watch this movie. If you have a family, this is the family movie to watch, highly recommend it, The Incredibles.
What’s Y0ur List?
So that’s my Top Ten family movies. What do you think? What would your Top Ten have been?
I really actually enjoy getting comments from people who have left me their Top Ten. It’s really interesting to see what other people actually think about this stuff.
Go ahead and leave your Top Ten if you want on my comments below.
Free Book For You
Sign in to get my newsletter. If you do, you get a free copy of my Art Of book, Angel Cowgirl.
If you don’t want a free digital copy of that book, you could always go to Amazon and pick it up there. You could pick a print copy there, but if you just want a digital copy and it’s free, hey just sign up to my newsletter.
You will also receive newsletters from me. Mostly we’re talking about the Simpsons, but sometimes other things too.
Alright and that’s it for me. I hope you like my list and I’ll see you next time. Alright, bye.
Does this sound like you? Well you’re in luck because I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong. You can draw, you can draw stick figures and drawing straight lines is overrated.
I’ve written a book especially for you. It doesn’t assume that you know anything about drawing at all. You don’t need you to have any “talent.”
I assume that the only thing you know how to do is write. And using that I build upon your knowledge of writing to help you expand beyond it into drawing.
When you go take a martial arts class, they don’t assume you have marital arts “talent” and say, “Okay since you’re talented, I will teach you.”
No. They assume you know nothing and that’s why you’re going to the class. Well, my book is like that. You don’t need to be talented to learn what is in it.
I take everything I’ve learned in all my years drawing, including the 20+ years I have working on The Simpsons and brake down drawing to it’s most basic components.
In the book you will learn:
How you may already be drawing and don’t know it.
The dirty secret of drawing talent.
How learning to draw basic shape can let you draw anything.
How to draw stick figures with style.
What professionals know about tracing correctly.
How to draw basic cartoon characters…and much more
That’s what in the book, BUT there’s MORE. I’m now bundling the book with some fantastic things that makes it even easier to get started drawing. It will even save you some time.
How would you like your drawing skills to increase without frustration?
Has this ever happened to you? You sit down to do something, and you get so absorbed in it that when you look up, hours have passed and you feel like you’ve been meditating.
If you have, you’ve experience “flow state” otherwise known as “being in the zone.” Flow state can be reached in many different ways doing many different things. Sports is one way.
Drawing is another.
There’s a reason why artists draw. It’s not just the reward of creating something, it’s not just the kudos from friends that think the drawing is great, it’s not just the joy of having the skills to draw what you want, although all those things are reasons artists draw.
But the reason little kids draw, and the reason those kids who stuck with it are now drawing today, is because at some point, they got addicted to reaching flow state as they drew.
This is why drawing has so many mental health benefits. It puts you in a state of peace outside yourself. And then when you’re done, you have a drawing to show for it.
The problem–reaching flow isn’t easy.
There’s a delicate balance that must be reached to get into flow when drawing. If the drawing task is too easy, it’s boring and you don’t reach flow. If the drawing is too difficult then you get frustrated and quit. BUT if the drawing is just tough enough to challenge your skills but it’s still doable, then POW, you’re in flow.
If you’ve been struggling to create a habit out of drawing, it’s probably because you haven’t reached flow state nearly enough when you draw. You’ve probably found it to be too challenging and frustrating and so you quit, or just too easy and found it boring.
How Can You Reach Flow and be Able to Create a Drawing Habit?
The Draw Fu Acolyte Bundle is everything you need to start drawing and create a drawing habit. Here’s what you get:
A signed print copy of: The Art of Draw Fu: Beginners Level – Not only is this all the basic information you need to get you started drawing, but I’ll also draw a sketch of a Draw Fu characters in it for you. (MSRP $25)
A Canson 9×12 sketchbook – Great quality spiral bound sketchbook. I use Canson sketchbooks all the time. I’ll draw a Homer Simpson in it for you to get you started. (MSRP $23)
A 9×12 tracing paper pad – This is especially handy if you don’t have any around the house. I often suggest using tracing paper in my book. I give you a pad so you don’t have to go out and get one. (MSRP $6.65)
A Color Wheel – Instead of using my book as a color wheel guide, I pack a special one in for you. It comes with instructions on how to use. It instructs you about color mixing, values, color, hues, intensity, tint, tone, shades, neutral grays, primary colors, secondary colors, tertiary colors, warm colors and many other things. REALLY HANDY. (MSRP $6.29)
A free “Keep Calm, I know Draw Fu” Pen – A ballpoint pen to use when going field sketching. ($2 value)
A free “Keep Calm, I know Draw Fu” magnet – A little something fun to stick on your fridge as reminder of your new drawing skills ($5 value)
and a FREE DVD copy of Zentangle with Suzanne McNeill CZT. – This is the perfect DVD to compliment the The Art of Draw Fu: Beginners Level book. Once you finish reading the book, this is the perfect next step and it’s yours for FREE. In the DVD you will learn:
The basics of drawing an illuminated design, called a “tangle.”
What more advance “tangles” look like.
Some really handy marker coloring tips.
The plethora of uses that these designs can be used for (Journals, sketchbooks, scrapbooks, greeting cards, tiles…etc) (MSRP $30)
The total MSRP for the bundle is: $97.94, but your investment is $60 + $5 flat rate shipping (Sorry, no shipping outside of the U.S. for now).
Seriously, the things in this book can be done anywhere and anytime, on anything. I provide a sketchbook but you can doodle on anything laying around. You can take five minutes or fifteen. The exercises are quick to do.
And if you get the DVD, you’ll get even more ideas for quick ways to get drawing in. It doesn’t take hours to scribble something on a random piece of paper. And it’s fun.
A Great Gift
If you don’t want a bundle for yourself, buy one of these for someone you know that would like to learn to draw.
Do you know of a young adult that has no confidence in their drawing skills but really wants to draw? This is the perfect gift for them.
It will blow their minds.
Supplies May Be Limited (not sure yet)
Now, I will say, I only have a limited amount of these bundles. I’m personally putting together and sending out each and every bundle.
I have to special order all the things that go into each bundle. The place I get my supplies seems to run out of stock on some of this stuff and they don’t seem to be able to resupply. I honestly don’t know how long I’ll be able to sell these bundles. I put this stuff together at my home and once the supplies can’t be ordered anymore, that’s it.
So it would be very wise, if you’re going to invest in a bundle, to do it now while I can still get the supplies.
I’m pretty certain I’m going to make some people very, very angry with me with this top ten list, because today I’m going to be talking about my favorite live action superhero movies. And I absolutely know that people are going to think I’m crazy based on my list here.
My number ten, I don’t have the DVD because it’s on Netflix so I can watch it anytime on-demand. It’s Captain America.
I loved the trailer, I thought it was great, I couldn’t wait to watch it and I thought that it really paid off in the first half of the movie, second half not so much.
The first half, I loved. The turning of Steve Rogers into Captain America, all that stuff was fantastic and I absolutely loved it.
One of the things I do like about Captain America as a character is that he’s a stand up guy. He’s a really good guy and the way he comes across isn’t cheesy, it’s just honest and it’s heartfelt and you kind of root for him.
He’s got very down to earth values, but the reason why it’s not higher, is because the second half of the movie, it just seemed like,
“…and then he became Captain America and everything went awesome, the end.”
There wasn’t really much of a movie once he became completely accepted as Captain America. It was just about how awesome he is.
The Red Skull shows up and he’s basically,
“Curses Captain America- you’ve foiled me again,”- and there was nothing about it that was compelling about the second half of the movie.
Still it’s really actually very re-watchable, in spite of that and it feels good to watch it, it makes you happy.
Oh here we go, let’s start pissing people off. My number nine is actually Batman: Dark Knight.
Why is this my number nine and not like my number one right? That’s the big question, and that is because it’s so difficult to sit and watch this movie all the way through and not want to shoot yourself in the head.
Of course, everybody knows Health Ledger as Joker is incredible; the story is actually really, really good, very dramatic, it’s just fantastic.
This is a really deep movie, it speaks to you, it has really strong themes, and it’s a great, great Batman. But it also feels so dark and so overbearing, that it’s really hard to just sit and watch it and enjoy it, without wanting to slit your wrists.
That’s really the reason. The other reason why, is that Batman here is really heavily compromised as a character at the end of this series of lying and cheating and becoming a cheat.
There’s something about the ethics at the end of the story that just didn’t ring true to me, which is going to be ironic because you’re going to see what my number three is. And then I totally go and back peddle and excuse myself, and make excuses. So I understand that I’m going to contradict myself later on, so just bear with me.
My number eight, and yes I really like this movie, The Amazing Spider-man, the new Mark Webb Spider-man.
I really thought they actually captured Spider-man much more in this, than in the Sam Raimi Spider-man Movie.
Yes you just heard me right. I did say that, it actually reminded me more of the Ditko Spider-man. Very skinny guy who’s kind of not the most likeable person in the world. Because Steve Ditko and Stan Lee didn’t really make a very likeable Peter Parker.
And this Spider-Man really came across this way. It was really reminiscent of that to me.
He has mechanical web shooters, which makes him a scientific genius, which is actually part of the character. There’s something about this that I like, and yes it’s a little dark, but he’s much more of a funny Spider-man than all the other types of live action Spider-man’s, and he is a little bit of a jerk.
You know what, Spider-man is a bit of a jerk. He is. I am a huge Spider-man fan, and he’s my second favorite superhero.
I really liked The Amazing Spider-man movie, my number eight.
My number seven I don’t have, I want to own it, but I’m saving my pennies for now and that is X-Men: First Class.
X-Men: First Class is the only X-Men movie that I think really nailed it. I’m not a huge X-Men fan, but I actually really, really thought that X-Men: First Class really captured the team. It was something about the way that the characters related.
The interaction with the characters, you really liked the way they worked together, you were rooting for them when they got together, they did their thing.
I liked the era. It was 60’s, it was kind of a spy kind of thing going, it worked.
I liked the feel of that movie, it’s exciting, it nailed it. I think it really did do a good job of getting the X-Men right.
More so than the other X-Men movies, so my number seven X-Men: First Class.
My number six is Spider-Man 2. Spider-Man 2, yes. As much as I like The Amazing Spiderman, it’s still not as good as Spider-Man 2. Spider-Man 1, I thought was awful. I thought it was a lame, lame, lame movie.
This movie actually was not, the relationship between Doc Ock and Peter Parker that is what makes this movie.
The whole Kiki’s Delivery Service story line in it and you know how much I like Kiki’s Delivery Service if you saw my Top Ten Miyazaki Movies. This is Kiki’s Delivery Service with Spider-man.
He loses his powers and then he has to try to— it’s just really interesting, I really liked it, it was a lot fun.
A lot of really fun, good, exciting action in it. Dr. Octopus is a really good bad guy in this, not cheesy like the Green Goblin was in the original, in Spider-man, the first one.
My number five is something that I’m constantly ranting almost against, I don’t want to rant against it, because I really do enjoy this movie and that is Donner’s Superman: The Movie.
This is the movie that all superhero movies keep copying. This is the movie that set up the genre of superhero movies. This is the formula that is copied over, and over, and over in different ways, even if it’s told in different sequences.
The superhero movies of today are basically retelling this movie over, and over, and over.
This is a great movie, Christopher Reeves, fantastic Superman, very silver age Superman. A happy light-hearted— it captures the wonder and excitement, and the music in it is great, the relationship between Lois and Superman is fantastic.
What can I say? It’s just great. The cast is fantastic.
The only thing, if anything, is that I think the bad guys are so comedic, that they don’t come across as dangerous to me. But it’s excusable because the movie overall is deep and thematic and fantastic, there’s a reason why everybody’s copying this movie.
Alright here we go the next controversial movie on my list, It’s Batman Begins.
What can I say about Batman Begins? It’s the best Batman movie ever made.
I think it’s better than Dark Knight, even though Dark Knight is deeper and the themes are deeper.
Batman Begins is watchable over and over because it doesn’t go so depressingly dark. It does really play up the danger of being Batman, what he has to go through to become Batman, there’s just something about it that really, really hits on so many levels.
If you haven’t seen it, you’ve got to watch, it’s a must watch.
Along with Superman: The Movie it’s one of those must watch superhero movies, Batman Begins my number four.
Here we go, this is where I stick my foot in my mouth and contradict myself from what I said about Dark Knight. My number three is Man of Steel, yeah Man of Steel, okay.
I’m a huge, huge Superman fan, so I liked this movie. I kind of wanted to like this movie, but it turned out that it wasn’t what I expected. It wasn’t exactly what I wanted, though it had so much of what I wanted in it.
That said, I really, really enjoyed the movie. It wasn’t quite the Superman movie that the Donner Superman movie was. The Donner movie, you’ve got Superman in it, in Man of Steel, you really don’t have really Superman in it.
You kind of have until the very, very end, it’s kind of like the creation or the beginning of Superman. How he became Superman and how he’s learning to be Superman, even though he’s got the suit on, he still doesn’t know how to be Superman.
His ethics aren’t completely there, because he’s constantly fighting all these other forces.
It’s cheesy, it’s got some plot holes in it, and there is a controversial element in it that kind of takes Superman to a different place where he usually doesn’t go to.
Although you could arguably say that he does exactly the same thing in Superman 2. And that’s where I’m back peddling.
Batman does something in Batman: Dark Knight, that isn’t very dramatic.
Well Superman does something in the Man of Steel, that is not very Superman-ish, but it’s a little bit different because in Batman: Dark Knight, you’ve got an established Batman.
While in Man of Steel, you’ve got a character who’s trying to become Superman, and hasn’t quite made the choices that he will eventually, as a more mature, well developed superhero.
First of all, I think Henry Cavill is a great looking Superman, I think he plays the character well, I like the cast, I like the action in it, specifically the action.
If you want to see it, just find the link below on my blog, if you’re watching this on my blog. You should be watching it on my blog, because it’s meant to be watched on my blog. Okay so I’ll shut up now, let me go to my number two.
My number two is Ironman. To be honest, I kind of watched Ironman 2 more than I’ve watched Ironman.
Actually, if I was going to watch one of the two, either Ironman or Ironman 2, I tend to put Ironman 2 in there, because it has more action in it. But this is the movie that kind of set up the Marvel Universe, and the lightheartedness and it showed that you can go lite and yet still be powerful and exciting and real, without it having to go down Dark Knight Movie territory.
This is a fun movie, it’s fantastic, the story is rock solid while in Ironman 2, not so much, which is the reason why this is in and not the other one.
So this is a great, great movie. I highly recommend watching Ironman.
When I left the theater after watching this movie, I was so pumped. This movie got me so pumped, it’s so exciting, like it makes you want to be Ironman.
My number one, I don’t own it because it is on Netflix, but as soon as it’s off Netflix I’m going to go buy it. It is The Avengers movie.
The Avengers movie– Joss Whedon directed it and wrote it and made it spectacular, it is fan service all over the place.
It is fun, fun, fun. You leave that movie so overjoyed and happy, like yay it’s the Avengers, it’s so exciting, you know.
There’s something about watching that movie that makes you actually really feel like you’ve read a comic book.
It’s not dark and brooding, which a lot of people dislike about movies like Man of Steel and Batman. But this movie is very lighthearted, it does a good job of mixing light-hearted humor with serious action and it doesn’t feel cheesy at any point.
And it shows and compliments the characters, the characters come together, they’re butting heads and they’re very entertaining and it plays up the characters really well.
It really puts the Hulk on the map, makes him very exciting to watch. It shows that really the Hulk, as a character, needs other people around him, to really make him stand out. The Hulk is a little bit like salt, you just need a little bit to really make things pop right.
Everybody loves Loki, there’s a huge fan base of Loki now, because he’s just such a great villain in this movie.
Captain America is played dead on. I love his dialogue, and I love the way that he and Tony Stark are butting heads.
So that’s my number one, The Avengers.
In Conclusion
And that’s my list, what do you think, am I crazy? I know, I know, you’re mad at me for where I put a lot of these movies.
Let me know, let me have it, I don’t care, let me have it.
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That’s it for me today and I’ll talk to you next time.