Character Design Drawing Tips Part 1: Gesture and Reference
May 26, 2016 in ART, VIDEOS
ART/VIDEO – Character Design Drawing Tips Part 1: Gesture and Reference
Figure drawing is one of the most difficult things you can possibly do. If you want to be able to get work as an artist, it’s one of the things you’re going to be called on to do, over and over again.
If you’re going into concept art, you’ll not only need to be able draw the figure but you’ll be called to design characters.
I’ve been asked for help by fellow artist Andrea. She’s having a bit of trouble fine tuning her figure designs.
In this week’s video I go over her work. What’s she’s doing well and what she can push. I go over reference and using reference. I talk about what to look for and how to start a drawing using the reference.
I go over what the most important thing is to do when you first start off a drawing.
Hint: It’s not details, or anatomy.
Have a look. I think you may learn something:
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