How to Create Your Own Anime Characters
November 10, 2016 in ART, VIDEOS
ART/VIDEO – How to Create Your Own Anime Characters
Anime is huge. The people who love it often want to be able to draw it too.
My daughter is obsessed with wanting to draw in anime style. I give her the best tips I can, which is to say, I send her to my drawing website.
This week I answer the a question many people have about anime. Here’s how the question went:
Hi I’m new and I just created my own website on googlesites it is called artforpros. I want to create my own ANIME character and need to know what should I do first I want to create a male and female. Have any ideas?
And here’s my answer:
Links Mentioned in the Video
Head Drawing formulas:
Eye Drawing Formulas:
Nose Drawing Formulas:
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