Black Terror Kid PART 2. The new Simpsons season has officially begun for us. Fun little video game cartoon.



The new season has officially started for me.  I’m now working on season one of the new season.  I was helping out on a show doing layout last week and earlier this week.  I actually find that it helps to switch between the two jobs.  In one job I get to draw a bit tighter and have a bit more control over the scenes I’m working on.  In the other job I find the drawings are more loose and less on model but there is a very satisfying feeling of creating the initial look the show will take on later.

In more exciting work related news, I was called in to the producer’s office Tuesday night and was asked if I would be interested in taking over the revisionist spot that had just recently been vacated.  It seems a few people had brought my name up for the job.  I was very glad to have been asked and so I accepted.

Next month they’re going to try me out for the spot.  If things don’t work out, I’ll go back to doing story reel work.  Otherwise, I’d have a new official position on the show.  I’m very excited.  It’s really tough to get a board position on this show.  There are some really good board artists here that do an incredible job.


For the earlier parts of the story CLICK HERE.

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To be continued next week…. 


This is AWESOME! I love this little video about a “gold digger” princess:

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