It’s the beginning of the month and I’m sending out rewards as well as announcing who win this month’s post card giveaway.
Thankfully, November was a less eventful month than October.
Watch the rewards for this month and consider becoming a patron. Thank you patrons for your support!
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If you want to suggest a character or drawing you’d like me to draw, feel free to ask or suggest away, either here on my comments or anywhere else you’d like to contact me.
Just be aware that my Patreon patrons get their questions answered first and they get to see the videos weeks before anyone else.
BOOKS/ VIDEOS – Books on Creating Environments Part 3 Dream Worlds By Hans Bacher
The third and final recommendation of books worth purchasing for designing and creating environments.
This is something very important for any kind of drawing. Whether you’re going to draw illustrations or comics. It’s good to know how to make an environment appealing. You’ll often find that what makes a drawing really work is where you place the characters.
I’ve found this to be true in my storyboarding work. If you draw the characters in an interesting location the shots are enhanced and look better.
Below is the video explaining why this particular book is worth a look:
Links and Books Mentioned In The Video
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If you want to suggest a character or drawing you’d like me to draw, feel free to ask or suggest away, either here on my comments or anywhere else you’d like to contact me.
Just be aware that my Patreon patrons get their questions answered first and they get to see the videos weeks before anyone else.
VIDEO – Corner Booth #14: Interview With Swinton Scott
I’ve been sitting on a lot of Corner Booth podcast interviews. The Corner Booth Podcast is a podcast that’s been on a long hiatus that I’m a part of.
The reason we stopped doing it is because of the amount of work involved editing the shows. No one really wanted to do it. Or rather, two of us had a tough time doing it on top of all the other things we where doing. While one of us didn’t really know how to do it at all (or so he claims).
It suddenly occurred to me that I could edit the shows and release them here, as long as I do a special version with an introduction. Then I can upload a normal Corner Booth version on the corner booth channel and website as well as iTunes.
That way I can release unique content while also getting the Corner Booth content out there too. Everyone wins.
So here’s the Interview with Swinton with an special intro:
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If you want to suggest a character or drawing you’d like me to draw, feel free to ask or suggest away, either here on my comments or anywhere else you’d like to contact me.
Just be aware that my Patreon patrons get their questions answered first and they get to see the videos weeks before anyone else.
Every Month I upload and send off the Patreon rewards to all my patrons that support me on Patreon.
I also announce the giveaway winner for the month. Giveaways are often unique items you can only get through me. Every patron is entered to win.
I often include a little bit of an update about things that have occurred through out the week. Usually in the form of a short story. This is this months’ video.
Want To Get a Video From Me?
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If you want to ask me a question about drawing that you might be struggling with…
If you want to suggest a character or drawing you’d like me to draw, feel free to ask or suggest away, either here on my comments or anywhere else you’d like to contact me.
Just be aware that my Patreon patrons get their questions answered first and they get to see the videos weeks before anyone else.
Studying eyes as a self taught artist can be tricky. On the one hand you know there’s a lot to drawing the eyes. On the other hand we often underestimate the amount of work that goes into drawing a good eye.
Eye’s can be deceptive. They seem easier than they really are.
In this video, I go over:
Some ways to think about drawing eyes so that you can know how to draw them without using reference.
Know what how to study them.
Understand how to draw the thickness of the eyelids without them looking bulky,
and understanding how to draw crazy exaggerated eyes.
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If you want to ask me a question about drawing that you might be struggling with…
If you want to suggest a character or drawing you’d like me to draw, feel free to ask or suggest away, either here on my comments or anywhere else you’d like to contact me.
Just be aware that my Patreon patrons get their questions answered first and they get to see the videos weeks before anyone else.
In the new world of the internet, copyright has become something important to know about. Many of us in the U.S. don’t know exactly what we create is copyrighted and what isn’t.
In this video I talk about copyright. I talk about putting your work online.
What is protected, what isn’t. What you can do to protect it. What it takes to do so, and if it’s safe to put your work online.
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If you want to ask me a question about drawing that you might be struggling with…
If you want to suggest a character or drawing you’d like me to draw, feel free to ask or suggest away, either here on my comments or anywhere else you’d like to contact me.
Just be aware that my Patreon patrons get their questions answered first and they get to see the videos weeks before anyone else.
ART/VIDEOS – Originality Avoiding What Other’s Are Already Doing
Being original is something many people struggle with. You may be a person who seems to create things that you’ve noticed have already been done. Perhaps you create things best when you get ideas from other stories or movies you’ve seen or read.
Maybe you abandon these ideas because you think that they’re not original. After all, if it’s been done it must mean you aren’t original enough.
I see it a different way. I don’t think it really matters where you got your idea. I don’t think it matters if there’s something similar out there.
In this video I explain why:
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If you want to suggest a character or drawing you’d like me to draw, feel free to ask or suggest away, either here on my comments or anywhere else you’d like to contact me.
Just be aware that my Patreon patrons get their questions answered first and they get to see the videos weeks before anyone else.
ART/VIDEOS – Books on Creating Environments Part 1: Picture This by Molly Bang
I’m often asked how to start designing and creating environments. Well, besides looking at a lot of reference of the type of environment you want to create, you have to know a bit about picture making.
To this end, I decided I’d start sharing some books that have a lot to do with approaching composition and design so that your environments can look as good as they possibly could. The first book of three that I’m sharing here is Picture This by Molly Bang.
Why is this book worth owning? Watch the video below:
Book Mentioned In This Video
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If you want to suggest a character or drawing you’d like me to draw, feel free to ask or suggest away, either here on my comments or anywhere else you’d like to contact me.
Just be aware that my Patreon patrons get their questions answered first and they get to see the videos weeks before anyone else.
The benefits of drawing. What are they. Besides just being a fun hobby that helps you relax and express yourself. Besides the helping with depression an other psychological problems. What else does it help you with?
What if you don’t want to have it as a hobby? What if you don’t suffer from an illness? Is there any practical reason to learn drawing besides drawing pretty pictures?
This book is awesome. It answer these very questions. Check out my review to find out why this very short easy to read book is worth checking out:
Book Mentioned In This Video
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If you want to suggest a character or drawing you’d like me to draw, feel free to ask or suggest away, either here on my comments or anywhere else you’d like to contact me.
Just be aware that my Patreon patrons get their questions answered first and they get to see the videos weeks before anyone else.
This week I’ll be answering a question put forth by a Drawing Website reader. It’s about reusing art. Is it done by professionals?
The question went something like this:
“Luis you’ve given a good read here, it’s a lot more fun to read your lessons then some of the “vanilla” stuff elsewhere. what I’d want from learning is a style quite familiar to anime/manga, so I imagine that’s a bit less then a true master (which would of course be level Da Vinci) my question is more of a statement, to the trained eye, how often does an anime/manga artist reuse lines and features for all their characters? just curious, it may affect my outlook when I’m at the stage to create my own”
This video is gives you my answer.
Want To Get a Video From Me?
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If you want to ask me a question about drawing that you might be struggling with…
If you want to suggest a character or drawing you’d like me to draw, feel free to ask or suggest away, either here on my comments or anywhere else you’d like to contact me.
Just be aware that my Patreon patrons get their questions answered first and they get to see the videos weeks before anyone else.