Designing A Location: Fantasy Tower Part 01
February 15, 2018 in ART, VIDEOS
ART/VIDEO – Designing A Location: Fantasy Tower Part 01
When creating any visual art, design becomes key. Design is what draws the eye. You don’t even need to know how to draw academically to learn or use design.
There’s even people who can draw very well academic drawings who don’t know anything about design, which makes their very well drawn art unappealing.
All this to say that I had the task of designing a tower for my up coming comic project. It was a struggle. I recorded the first part of my designing process. Here you will see how I approach designing something new.
In this case, a tower, but the process of designing a character is very similar.
You’ll notice it’s not easy and there’s a lot of variations and experimentation that goes into just getting something I like. It doesn’t “just happen.”
I hope that watching this will help you when you’re designing your own things.
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