Is it REALLY How the Pros Draw The Simpsons?
February 14, 2013 in THE SIMPSONS NEWS, WEBSITES
THE SIMPSONS NEWS – Is it REALLY How the Pros Draw The Simpsons?
The Simpsons Quote:
- “Facts are meaningless. You can use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely true.” – Homer Simpson
Have you seen the book: “The Simpsons Handbook: Secret Tips from the Pros”? Have looked at it and said, is it REALLY Secret Tips from the Pros?
I mean, why would they print a book that ACTUALLY taught you to draw The Simpsons? These books are always drawn by people who have to relation to the Pros who work on the show right?
That’s what I’m going to talk about this week. IS the info in, “The Simpsons Handbook: Secret Tips from the Pros” really how the artists on the show, draw the characters?
You can either watch the video or read the post. The info is the same.
Head up, all links to the book on this post are affiliate links.
And don’t forget to look further down into the blog to see the Pulp Fiction/Simpsons mash up drawings and the Simpsonized Doctor Who art. I’m also offering some free drawing couching. For more on that see below:
Is it True?
I happen to know that, “The Simpsons Handbook: Secret Tips from the Pros
,” the part where it says, “Secret Tips from the Pros,” is TRUE.
What you get in the book is actually information on how the draw the characters on the show from actual Simpsons artists. They actually hired some of my friends. For example, the book says, character art by:
All these people that I’m naming are they’re ALL coworkers. I mean, it’s ridiculous…these are my friends right?
It’s weird, because if you really want to know how to draw the characters for real, this book tells you how to do it.
But You Don’t Have to Take MY Word For It
Don’t take my word for it okay, I’m going to prove it to you.
So using the hand outs that we get, I’ll show you. It’s an old hand out and we’ve updated some of this stuff but I’m going to use it as an example.
Now, so I don’t get in trouble, I’m only going to show you small parts of the hand out sheets. Here we go:
See that lumps there? Okay.
The light bulb body.
The three cups long that his arm is.
Okay so that’s from our official how to draw hand outs that we get as artists.
Now I’m going to show you what’s in the book under Homer:
See there? The lumps for the hair:
The light bulb body.
The Three cups long that his arm is.
The Big Difference
In the book, it’s as if they took all that stuff we’ve got in the hand outs and cleaned them up. You saw how rough and unorganized the info was in the hand outs.
We’ve pretty much replaced a lot of what we hand out to new artists, with scanned sheets of this book. It’s a cleaner version of what is in our old hand outs.
Our old hand outs where unorganized and rough. Even for professionals it got really confusing so we’re using the book now. If fact, the book expands upon many of the concepts for drawing the characters. It’s really handy.
All the new artist, they pick u the book or see the scans of the some of the pages from the book so that they can learn to draw the characters.
The Reason I’m Even Bringing This Up
IF you want to know what we know about drawing the characters, then “The Simpsons Handbook: Secret Tips from the Pros,” is what you need. It was drawn by us, who work on the show. This is what we do. This is us.
I just thought I’d bring this up and talk about this book.
A lot of people talk about this book, have seen the book and it’s almost like a joke,
“Hey look at this. How to draw the Simpsons. Heh heh heh yeah right,” no, this is REALLY how we draw the characters.
There was a coworker who was brand new and he came in and as a joke, he showed me the book,
“Hey look, I got this book. But I’m not going to use it. I just got it because I was curious and I thought it was interesting,” and I turned to him,
“Why aren’t you going to use it? This is pretty much what they’re going to give you to draw from anyway,” and his eyes get all wide,
“REALLY? I thought that was joke.”
“No, look at the artist credited in the book. The art is from us.”
How Valuable is to You?
The book, if you purchase it, is $39.00. You can probably get it cheaper at Amazon.
I think it just comes down to what it’s worth to you. If you really want know how to draw the characters the way we do it on the show, then it’s really a good deal.
So What Can You do With This Info?
On this week’s email, I sent out the first of many Simpsons and Pulp Fiction mash up drawings. See what we artists do behind the scenes with our ability to draw Simpsons characters.
Here’s a small sample:
Want more? I’ll send you this week’s email if you opt in to receive e-mails before next Thursday. The longer you wait the more you miss out on.
WEBSITE – Do You Want Free Drawing Coaching From Me?
I’ve been talking a lot about having mentors and friends that can help you improve your drawings. Sometimes, circumstances don’t allow this to happen. Because of this, I thought perhaps I could offer my services, as part of my services from
Sometimes you need someone to go over your stuff so you can see your work in a new way. It helps you improve quicker. This is what helped me get better faster. This is STILL the fastest way for me to get better.
I want to do that for you, I want to help you that way. I just couldn’t figure out a way that would make it as easy for everyone involved as possible, until last week.
This is what I came up with. You tell me what you think.
To Do That, Send Me Your Art
I’m going to accept TEN people’s work. That means, ten people will send me a drawing, and I’m going to go over it. Give you tips and advise. Tell you what to should look out for and what you should work on.
There is no draw back to doing this. You send me your drawing and I basically give you a FREE lesson on how YOU can improve your skills via e-mail. No video, just drawing over your stuff with commentary written on it.
Where do you send the drawing? What are the conditions?
If you’re interested to know this and more, CLICK HERE.
You find out the information you need to know, but act fast because the offer will only last for two weeks from this post.
THE SIMPSONS NEWS – Doctor Who Simpsonized
And speaking of Simpsons mash ups, I found this on the internet and thought it was sooo AWESOME!
I’d TOTALLY watch this episode. It’s REALLY difficult to Simpsonize someone and still capture the right likeness. I can’t believe what a good job this artist did.
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I heard that Paul Wee wrote about drawing Kang and Kodos for this book.
Yup, just asked him. He drew Kang and Kodos for the book.