Onto show 4. Father’s day. U.S. and the World Cup.

June 24, 2010 in THE SIMPSONS NEWS


So managed to finish that crazy Couch Gag last week.  It was very difficult and I’m not sure how well I did in the time I was given to do it.  I felt like I could have used more time, but I finished it and the director seemed happy.

On Monday I started on show 4. I’ve been given Act 2 to do.  Fortunately the changes in this show are not as bad as the last ones. Still, it’s a lot to do.  I’m doing my best.


The World Cup is still effecting how much I get done on my project.  I did manage to, at least, draw a page.  It hasn’t helped that I didn’t have a hard copy of my photo reference, until  yesterday.  If I had, I probably would have done a bit more.  At this point I’m pretty happy with where the designs are.  I might do a few more sketches but I need to move on to design the backgrounds.  Which might turn out  to be interesting. I might need to go around and take pictures of places to use as reference.  I’ll have to “location scout”. Find a good place where a magickal fight can take place. A place with good obstacles that can be destroyed. Most likely, I’ll find a few places and mix them all up together.

Anyway, here’s what I did this week:


I definitely need to work out more of the detail in this character. I’ve decided to give all the Sorcerers long pupils as apposed to round ones.  Makes them look a little less human.


For Father’s Day, I woke up early and went to my parent’s house to watch the World Cup games with my Pop.  It was fun. My mom made us an enormous breakfast and it was sooo good.

The day before, Alesha had given me my Father’s Day presents, which were three DVDs: WANTED, JUMPER, and SUPERMAN/BATMAN: PUBLIC ENEMIES. Great Father’s Day presents.

After the games ended we had a huge lunch out in my parent’s backyard with my wife and kids. They showed up a bit after the games were over. Then, my Pop and I ,watched the new SHERLOCK HOLMES movie with Robert Downey Jr.. Pop liked it. My brother and my sister-in-law came over around that time with Paulo my nephew.

My kids played, we all talked and laughed. It was a great Father’s Day. We had a lot of fun.


So the highlight of this week was yesterday, Wednesday the 23rd of June. I was sitting alone watching the World Cup, U.S.A. vs Algeria.  It was a heartbreaking game.  I couldn’t believe how bad things seemed to be going for the U.S.

I began “Tweeting” about it as the game began to come to a close. This is what I Tweeted:


Come on U.S. come on. You’re playing so good, just get it in the goal.

A few minutes later:


So frustrating.

I watched a bit more and really started betting bummed out:


Wow, so many attempts. So many close calls. Even another stolen goal. 5 more minutes.

Five minutes later I had already typed out  how bummed out I was over the U.S. loss. I just hadn’t sent off the Tweet. I was so heartbroken. Then…Landon Donovan scored a minute into stoppage time:





In my room and in my head, all by myself, this was happening:

and this:


I was high the rest of the day:


Ah man, I want to hug someone.

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