The beginning of the end. Munchkin driving.


The  deadline for the board-a-matic is fast approaching. I got my final section for the show this week and I’m trying to finish it as fast as I can.  Meanwhile I can only hope and pray that I still have a job after the Dec. 2nd deadline.  I still don’t know what’s going to happen to me after the board-a-matic.  Hopefully, I’ll just have to move to a different desk and continue on this same show. The work season is slowly coming to an end. The final show of the season is now in production.  After that, there isn’t a new show until next season (if there is a next season).  Hiatus is coming soon.


Once again I stayed at home with the kids this Monday.  We couldn’t drop the kids off at daycare until Tuesday.  It was a very busy day that day.  Usually staying with them is fun and it has it’s “down times” when I can sit down and recover my energy.  Monday was not like that.  By the end of the day, I was really tired. I think part of the problem was that Dante asks for more attention now.  He wanted me to be there playing with him the same way his sister does.  It used to be that I could leave him in a corner with a pile of toys and he would play for a long while. He still does that but now I have to be there next to him while he does it.  Meanwhile, Munchkin wants me to play with her. It was tough.

I decided, to make things a bit easier, to take them out for a walk in the afternoon.  It was a nice day and a nice walk.  We stopped at the playground and the kids played for a while.  Then I got an idea.  My father-in-law had gotten Munchkin one of those electric powered kid cars that they can drive.  The first time we put her in it, she was too small to reach the pedal and when it moved she got scared.  I thought that maybe now she might be able to drive it. We went back home and I took the car (a Hummer) out from where we had stored it.  Munchkin sat in it and I was glad that, not only could she reach the pedal but she wasn’t scared when the car moved. After playing with the car’s working radio for ten minutes, she began driving it around our housing community.  I helped steer because the steering wheel was a bit hard to turn.  She was having a lot of fun.

We went around the community once and then I thought I’d take my skateboard out and ride it while I helped Munchkin steer the car. I put Dante in the passenger side or the car, put the seat belt on him, got my skateboard and off we went.  Turns out the skateboard wasn’t very helpful.  It kept getting in the way and I couldn’t help steer the car the way I thought I would.  In fact, Munchkin started getting annoyed at me and she ended up telling me not to help steer anymore.  When I tried she would yell at me so I said, “okay…have it your way”.  A moment later they had crashed into a fire hydrant.


After bailing them out, we went around the community once again.  Munchkin happily driving, while Dante was on the cell phone (okay, he sucked on the cell phone).  Although Munchkin would often take the phone away from him and put back in it’s slot, in the car. A second later Dante would take it and put it back in his mouth.  It was fun to see the two of them in that little car.

After that, we went back home, put the car away, went upstairs to the kid’s room and played for a few more hours.  There was a lot more to the day than that, with all the feedings and the dish washing and the  laundry…but I won’t go into all that.  The point is, it was a busy day and it really wore me and the kids out.  We had our fun though.


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the human condition…is everywhere

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